Upload Objects

When you upload a file to OORT Storage, it is stored as a object. Objects consist of the file data and metadata that describes the object. Each bucket can hold an unlimited number of objects. Before you can upload files to an OORT Storage bucket, however, you need to write permissions for the bucket.

You can upload any file type—images, backups, data, movies, etc.—into an OORT Storage bucket. The maximum size of a file that you can upload with the OORT console depends on the storage provider.

Upload an object in parts by using the AWS SDKs, OORT Storage API, or other S3-compatible third-party tools – Using the multipart upload API operation, you can upload a single large object, up to 5 TB in size.

The multipart upload API operation is designed to improve the upload experience for larger objects. You can upload an object in parts. These object parts can be uploaded independently, in any order, and in parallel. You can use a multipart upload for objects from 5 MB to 5 TB in size. For more information, see Uploading objects using multipart upload.

If you upload an object with a key name that already exists in a versioning-disabled bucket, OORT Storage replaces the existing object.

This section explains how to upload objects and folders to an OORT Storage bucket.

When you upload an object, the object key name is the file name and any optional prefixes. In the OORT console, you can create folders to organize your objects. In OORT Storage, folders are represented as prefixes that appear in the object key name. If you upload an individual object to a folder in the OORT console, the folder name is included in the object key name.


If you upload an object named sample1.jpg to a folder named backup, the key name is backup/sample1.jpg. However, the object is displayed in the console as sample1.jpg in the backup folder.

When you upload a folder, OORT Storage uploads all of the files and subfolders from the specified folder to your bucket. It then assigns an object key name that is a combination of the uploaded file name and the folder name. For example, if you upload a folder named /images that contains two files, sample1.jpg and sample2.jpg, Amazon S3 uploads the files and then assigns the corresponding key names, images/sample1.jpg and images/sample2.jpg. The key names include the folder name as a prefix. The OORT console displays only the part of the key name that follows the last /.


Within an images folder the images/sample1.jpg and images/sample2.jpg objects are displayed as sample1.jpg and a sample2.jpg.

How to upload folders and files

-> Sign in to OORT Console.

-> In the Buckets list, select the bucket that you want to upload your object to.

-> In the Objects tab for your bucket, click Upload.

-> Under Files and folders, choose Add files.

-> Select a file to upload, and then click Open.

-> Click Upload.

Congrats - you've uploaded an object to your bucket!

Last updated