Storage Classes

Each object in OORT Storage is assigned a storage class based on the access requirements and use case scenario. The storage class can be seen by listing the objects in a bucket, and you can select the most suitable class for your needs. OORT Storage offers a range of storage classes, all of which provide high durability for your data. By choosing the right storage class, you can optimize performance and cost based on your specific needs.

Key concepts

  1. The storage class set for an object affects not only its durability but also its accessibility and pricing model, making it crucial to choose the appropriate class for your use case scenario.

  2. Setting a default storage class for your bucket can save you time when adding objects to your bucket as they will automatically inherit the storage class, allowing you to focus on other tasks without worrying about configuring storage class for each object individually.

Class descriptions

Storage Class
Min storage duration
Min storage size per object
Max storage size per object

Standard storage



100 GB

Archive storage

90 days


100 GB

Standard storage

Standard storage is bestStandard Storage Class is a durable, high-performance storage solution designed for frequently accessed data that requires low-latency access. It provides reliable storage for a wide variety of use cases, such as storing application data, logs, and media files. Unlike Archive Storage Class, it provides immediate access to data and is suitable for applications that require frequent reading or writing of data. It is important to note that Standard Storage Class typically incurs higher storage costs compared to Archive Storage Class, making it a suitable choice for frequently accessed data but less suitable for long-term storage needs.

Archive storage

Archive Storage is a cost-effective storage option for long-term data retention that doesn't require regular access. It offers different data access and recovery times compared to other storage classes, typically taking several hours to access data. The Archive Storage class is perfect for storing backups, archives, and documents that you need to keep for a long time but don't need to access frequently. Please note that the Archive Storage class isn't ideal for applications that need to read or write data frequently, as this may result in additional costs.

Last updated