
Edge devices will receive two types of rewards: mining rewards and utility rewards.

25% of the mining rewards will be released immediately every hour, and the rest 75% will be released linearly in 270 days.

Mining Rewards

Let n be the total number of Deimos and HNT devices in OORT. Let r(n) be the number of $OORT that a Deimos with collateral will receive every day. Then,

r(n)=510102n2+3.5105n+1.51010r(n) = \frac{5*10^{10}}{2n^2 + 3.5*10^{5}n+1.5*10^{10}}

Rewards will decrease as the network grows

For example,

If n = 1000 devices, r(n) = 3.2569 $OORT per day

If n = 10000 devices, r(n) = 2.6738 $OORT per day

If n = 50000 devices, r(n) = 1.3333 $OORT per day

The curve is plotted as the following,

What Will Affect Your Mining Rewards?

  1. Collateral. Adding collateral will boost your rewards to 100%. For a device with no collateral, the mining reward will be 15% of an edge device with collateral.

  2. Device Online Score. Online Score represents an edge node’s stability. When a device is offline or not functioning properly, the Online Score will decrease. The actual mining rewards you will receive will thus reduce. The highest Online Score is one, and you won't be receiving any rewards when the Online Score becomes zero.

  3. Network growth. As more edge devices we have running on the network, the mining rewards will increase accordingly.

When Will the Mining Curve be Adjusted?

The mining reward is subject to change once the total number of devices reaches 100k when OORT can bring signification revenue share to the miners and the community.

Utility Rewards

OORT Edge aims to serve as an infrastructure and make Web3 applications faster, more secure, and easier to scale.

Additional and more substantial rewards will be sent to edge devices providing utilities (storage, compute or data transfer) for OORT's business clients.

Last updated