API Keys

Welcome to the API Keys section of OORT AI. Managing and maintaining your API keys has never been easier. This dedicated page empowers you to have full control over your secret API keys. Whether you need to view existing keys, create new ones, or delete unwanted keys, this section is thoughtfully designed to provide you with all the essential functionalities.

List of API Keys

The main feature of this section is the comprehensive list displaying all your API keys. Here's what you'll see in the list:

  • Name: The specific name you've assigned to each API key, helping you identify its purpose.

  • API Key: The unique identifier associated with each key, securely presented.

  • Created Time: Know exactly when the key was created, providing transparency and traceability.

  • Last Used Time: Monitor when the key was last utilized, helping you track its activity and relevance.

  • Actions: Next to each key, you'll find actions for 'Edit' or 'Delete', allowing you to make immediate changes as needed.

Create New API Key

With an easy-to-use interface, you can quickly create a new API key:

  1. Click on the 'Create New API Key' button.

  2. Provide the necessary information and preferences.

  3. Confirm your selections, and the new key will be immediately available in your list.

Delete API Keys

Keeping your keys relevant and secure is vital, so you can easily delete any unwanted or outdated keys:

  1. Locate the key you wish to delete in the list.

  2. Click on the 'Delete' action.

  3. Confirm your choice, and the key will be permanently removed.

Last updated