
The following mcp RPCs are removed comparing to Huygens as they already exist in Web3: send_block, send_offline_block, sign_msg, estimate_gas, call, account_create, account_lock, account_unlock, account_list, account_balance, account_code, logs.

And the following RPCs are newly added: epoch_approves, epoch_approve_receipts, epoch_elected_approve_receipts.

Here are the MCP RPC interfaces.


Remove an account. The parameter rpc_control need to be true when run the mcp node program.

request fields

  • action:account_remove

  • account:account to be removed

  • password:account password

    "action": "account_remove",
    "account": "0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28",
    "password": "s4iH1t@hBFtymA"

return fields

  • code:error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg:error message.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK"

// Failed
    "code": 3,
    "msg": "Wrong password"


Import an account. The parameter rpc_control need to be true when run the mcp node program.

request fields

  • action:account_import

  • json:account in JSON format to be imported

    "action": "account_import",
    "json": "{\"account\":\"0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28\",\"kdf_salt\":\"175DCAF994E6992AAD1369014670C086\",\"iv\":\"F6054D9B144A254D3D4EAB78C95F21B6\",\"ciphertext\":\"2A943F3A7316C33B16374D9076FEF5BA7770C2A0424A08501D3663A1467DEDD7\"}"

return fields

  • code:error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg:error message.

  • account:account imported.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "account": "0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28"

// Failed
    "code": 2,
    "msg": "Invalid json"


export an account.

request fields

  • action:account_export

  • account:account to be exported

    "action": "account_export",
    "account": "0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28"

return fields

  • code:error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg:error message.

  • json:account in JSON format exported.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "json": "{\"account\":\"0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28\",\"kdf_salt\":\"37685A5B3413EC419CE4B5B79E0BB020\",\"iv\":\"F046EA90EA24A6CF0CB74BE8C560367B\",\"ciphertext\":\"4A2E6EE4CF04162D2A4DA6116C23CD94487837731055A1BC0FCBDA7E0D7C65A4\"}"

// Failed
    "code": 2,
    "msg": "Account not found"


Validate an account.

request fields

  • action:account_validate

  • account:account to be validated

    "action": "account_validate",
    "account": "0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28"

return fields

  • code:error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg:error message.

  • valid:validation results (0:invalid format,1:valid format)

// Invalid format
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "valid": 0
// Valid format
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "valid": 1


Change an account password. The parameter rpc_control need to be true when run the mcp node program.

request fields

  • action:account_password_change.

  • account:account to have password changed.

  • old_password:original password.

  • new_password:new password.

    "action": "account_password_change",
    "account": "0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28",
    "old_password": "JNVRNHCK2o8N",

return fields

  • code:error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg:error message.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK"

// Failed
    "code": 5,
    "msg": "Wrong old password"


List all blocks in an account.

request fields

  • action: account_block_list.

  • account: account to be queried for the blocks.

  • limit: uplimit of the number of returned blocks. The maximum value is 100.

  • index:(optional)the current block query index. It should be derived from the return field next_index in the previous call of account_block_list. The default value is empty.

    "action": "account_block_list",
    "account": "0x1144B522F45265C2DFDBAEE8E324719E63A1694C",
    "limit": 100

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • blocks: list of blocks.

  • next_index: block query index. Return null if there are no more blocks left.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK"
    "blocks": [{...}, {...}, ...],
    "next_index": "0x35EAB31538EBA6CBD8E3FC1C91BFEA425EE13A1CC66B5D650A6FF226B6698A27"

// Failed
    "code": 4,
    "msg": "Index not found"


List all state in an account.

request fields

  • action: account_state_list.

  • account: account to be queried for the blocks.

  • limit: uplimit of the number of returned states. The maximum value is 100.

  • index:(optional)the current state query index. It should be derived from the return field next_index in the previous call of account_state_list. The default value is empty.

    "action": "account_state_list",
    "account": "0x1144B522F45265C2DFDBAEE8E324719E63A1694C",
    "limit": 100

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • account_states: list of states.

  • next_index: block query index. Return null if there are no more blocks left.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "account_states": {
            "hash": "0x13b10f0bf58769d28def46c83df7396012a0f693d53c1bc85a39363c14224516",
            "account": "0x1144b522f45265c2dfdbaee8e324719e63a1694c",
            "balance": "1999999708314231625963636182",
            "nonce": "998",
            "storage_root": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
            "code_hash": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
            "is_alive": true
            "hash": "0xf6de8683a35cf40fb183704dfc8bb3f00549d8b311c55206fdcf40cac898f548",
            "account": "0x1144b522f45265c2dfdbaee8e324719e63a1694c",
            "balance": "1999999708524231628405042432",
            "nonce": "997",
            "storage_root": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
            "code_hash": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
            "is_alive": true


Check the balance of multiple accounts.

request fields

  • action:accounts_balances.

  • accounts: account to check the balance.

    "action": "accounts_balances",
    "accounts": [

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • balances: balance of the accounts.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "balances": {
        {"0x1144B522F45265C2DFDBAEE8E324719E63A1694C": "1000000000000000000"}, //1 CCN Token
        {"0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28": "1000000000000000000"}  //1 CCN Token

// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid account"


Get details of one block.

request fields

  • action: block

  • hash: block hash

    "hash": "0x46bba647fb165ed3671e4c213576202fbf2a90879c30108bbfc287a9daa0ebd3"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • block: block details. If the block doesn't exist, this field is null.

    • hash: block hash.

    • from: sender's account

    • previous: hash of the latest block of sender's account before the current block. The value is 0 for the first block of the account.

    • parents: list of the hashes of parent blocks on the DAG.

    • links: list of the hashes of the ordinary blocks that the witness block referenced.

    • last_stable_block: the last stable block of this block on the DAG.

    • last_summary_block: the last_stable_block of the best parent of this block on the DAG.

    • last_summary: the summary of last_summary_block.

    • timestamp: timestamp when the block is generated.

    • gasLimit: string, uplimit of the gas for the transaction.

    • signature: signature from the sender.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "block": {
        "hash": "0x46bba647fb165ed3671e4c213576202fbf2a90879c30108bbfc287a9daa0ebd3",
        "from": "0x1144b522f45265c2dfdbaee8e324719e63a1694c",
        "previous": "0x328b0837a1bf6c3ad3a8d611d9598ada10366ae459b97e714abe9af6d60932a3",
        "parents": [
        "links": [
        "last_summary": "0xdf492b4343a31bf1650b23358072efba776bad21889bb1d58abdb1a793c720ac",
        "last_summary_block": "0xa19aeb3f80f9df34a0c29ff1c0da067f37043054ab8f624dad63e0f5140e36b2",
        "last_stable_block": "0x328b0837a1bf6c3ad3a8d611d9598ada10366ae459b97e714abe9af6d60932a3",
        "timestamp": 1661265734,
        "gasLimit": "0x7a1200",
        "signature": "0xa81cf81095d7c498778b9a6636105a74290d0d925d841da6ee4000af502e3e462ceac99504ea1a756b8958b3b3fcfd10ef67065464096f4de47fdac3fc42600600"

// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid hash format"


Get state of a block

request fields

  • action: block

  • hash: block hash

    "hash": "0x412254AB895FD2E6ADE6F9076CA8297516F2845C989A13AC008CD5D70157AFFB"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • block_state: state of the block. If the block doesn't exist, this field is null.

    • content:

      • level: the level of the block

      • witnessed_level: the witness level of the block

      • best_parent: the best parent block hash of the block

    • is_stable: is the block stable or not, 0:not stable,1:stable.

    • stable_content: stable block state contents. This field exists after the block is stable, and is empty if the block is not stable.

      • status: block status,0: success,1: double spending,2: invalid,3: contract execution failed.

      • stable_index: stable block index which indicates the order of blocks on DAG. The value starts from genesis block as 0, and keeps increasing.

      • mc_timestamp: main chain time stamp.

      • stable_timestamp: stable time stamp.

      • mci:main chain index

      • is_on_mc: is the block on main chain.

      • is_free: does the block has children.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "block_state": {
        "content": {
            "level": 71,
            "witnessed_level": 71,
            "best_parent": "0x328b0837a1bf6c3ad3a8d611d9598ada10366ae459b97e714abe9af6d60932a3"
        "is_stable": 1,
        "stable_content": {
            "status": 0,
            "stable_index": 71,
            "stable_timestamp": 1661265734,
            "mci": 71,
            "mc_timestamp": 1661265734,
            "is_on_mc": 1,
            "is_free": 0

// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid hash format"


Get states of many blocks.

request fields

  • action:blocks.

  • hash: list of block hashes.

    "action": "block_states",
    "hashes": [

result fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • blocks:list of block state contents. See block state contents in the block_state RPC method. If any of the block hashes doesn't exist, the corresponding list element is null.

// Success
    "code": "0",
    "msg": "OK",
    "block_states": [{...}, null, {...}, ...]

// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid hash format"


Get the trace of internal transactions in a smart contract.

request fields

  • action: block_traces.

  • hash: block hash.

    "hash": "0x412254AB895FD2E6ADE6F9076CA8297516F2845C989A13AC008CD5D70157AFFB"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • block_traces:list of block traces

    • fields in a trace:

      • type: 0:call,1:create,2:suicide。

      • action: subjective to the type of a trace

        • call: - call_type: type of call. - from: sender's account. - to: receiver's account. - gas: string,gas limit. - data: input data. - amount: string,amount in the unit of 10-18 CCN.

        • create: - from: sender's account. - gas: string,gas limit. - init: the code that creates the contract. - amount: string,amount in the unit of 10-18 CCN.

        • suicide: - contract_account: contract account. - refund_account: refund account after suicide. - balance: the total amount that is refunded in suicide.

      • result: subjective to the type of a trace. If the execution of the contract failed,this field is empty.

        • call:

          • gas_used:used gas.

          • output:output.

        • create:

          • gas_used:used gas.

          • contract_account: address of the contract created.

          • code:code of the contract created.

        • suicide:result field is null

      • error: error message. This field is null if the contract execution is successful.

      • subtraces:number of subtraces.

      • trace_address:the layer of trace.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "block_traces": [{
        "type": 0,  //call
        "action": {
            "call_type": "call",
            "from": "0x1144B522F45265C2DFDBAEE8E324719E63A1694C",
            "to": "0xa9d8863d0bf68dbaaacacad4ee0e865a0cc59f28",
            "gas": "25000",
            "data": "",
            "amount": "120000000000000000000"
        "result": {
            "gas_used": "21000",
            "output": "",
        "trace_address": []
    }, ...]

// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid hash format"


Retrieve the summary for a specific block.

request fields

  • hash: block hash

    "action": "block_summary",
    "hash": "0x412254AB895FD2E6ADE6F9076CA8297516F2845C989A13AC008CD5D70157AFFB"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message

  • summary: summary hash value.

  • previous_summary: previous summary hash value.

  • parent_summaries: parent summary hash array.

  • link_summaries: linked summary hash array.

  • skiplist_summaries: skipped summary hash array.

  • status: block state.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "summary": "0xb9589432747dc47c4312fdd0593995e8e1d4a159eb0bc739bd319c465198f89a",
    "previous_summary": "0xbdc6c9d75fd87acf546f511b8a552b2967597247de39173896a3e437fef4b9d2",
    "parent_summaries": [
    "link_summaries": [
    "skiplist_summaries": [],
    "status": 0


Retrieve the stabled blocks for a specific mci value.

request fields

  • action: stable_blocks.

  • limit: uplimit of the number of blocks returned. Maximum value is 100.

  • index: (optional) the index of the first block to retrieve. It can be set to be the value of next_index from the result of previous stable_blocks call. The default value is 0.

    "action": "stable_blocks",
    "limit": 100,
    "index": 15577

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • blocks: the list of blocks

  • next_index:the stable index for next block. This value is null if there is no subsequent blocks.

// Success
    "code": "0",
    "msg": "OK",
    "blocks": [{...}, {...}, ...],
    "next_index": 15677

// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid hash format"


Retrieve the current status of DAG on the node

request fields

  • action:status.

    "action": "status"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • syncing: if the node is syncing to the other nodes,0:not syncing,1:syncing.

  • last_stable_mci: the mci of the last stable block.

  • last_mci: the mci of the last block on the main chain.

  • last_stable_block_index:the stable index of the last stable block. stable index starts from value 0 and keep increasing. It indicates the order of stable blocks on DAG.

  • epoch: the current epoch number of mcp.

  • epoch_period: the number of blocks in main chain included in each epoch.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "syncing": 0,
    "last_stable_mci": 360,
    "last_mci": 376,
    "last_stable_block_index": 48367,
    "epoch": 0,
    "epoch_period": 100


List the peers connected to the node.

request fields

  • action:peers.

    "action": "peers"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • peers: list of peers.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "peers": [
            "id": "0x25680b43fc5e86e929503db9c609d95cdf3ffa5133bea37e62d1e370c80a6b5d",
            "endpoint": ""
            "id": "0x8427022566d7a2041ca60f671741872b3ed46c00e02f674d6b3ada688931bdb3",
            "endpoint": ""


List the nodes connected to the node.

request fields

  • action:nodes.

    "action": "nodes"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • nodes: list of nodes.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "nodes": [
            "id": "0x524745958eafd8a3a61ba2e9995f940441d81b3474aadbe0352d56fa84ca7079",
            "endpoint": ""
            "id": "0xccab1e8ae719a52fe76bad333e400a898a989f0538d3990a7d5712bd83e6f9bc",
            "endpoint": ""


Retrieve the list of witnesses.

request fields

  • action:witness_list。

    "action": "witness_list"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • witness_list:list of witnesses.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "witness_list": [


Acquire the current node version, rpc interface version, and database version.

request fields

  • action:version.

    "action": "version"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "version": "0.9.7",
    "rpc_version": "1",
    "store_version": "4"


Interface for debugging transaction. Returns the opcode of a transaction and the stack and memory information when it is executesd.

request fields

  • action: debug_trace_transaction.

  • hash: hash of a block.

  • options: (optional)options for debug tracing, including disable_storage (default is true) and disable_memory,disable_stack,full_storage (defaults are false).

    "action": "debug_trace_transaction",
    "hash": "9E11690B3B1CB015646ECC549A746B25E08D791E32D38363A905F2A3315C2CC1",
    "options": {
    	"disable_storage": false

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • gas: string, uplimit of gas usage for the transaction.

  • return_value: return value of the transaction.

  • struct_logs: traces of the transacton.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "gas": "1000000",
    "return_value": "0x",
    "struct_logs": [
            "stack": [],
            "memory": [],
            "storage": {
                "0x00": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064"
            "op": "PUSH1",
            "pc": "0",
            "gas": "978536",
            "gasCost": "3",
            "depth": "1"
            "stack": [
            "op": "PUSH1",
            "pc": "2",
            "gas": "978533",
            "gasCost": "3",
            "depth": "1"
// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid hash"


Acquire the data in storage after executing a transaction in a contract.

request fields

  • action: debug_storage_range_at.

  • hash: block hash.

  • account: contract to debug.

  • begin: begin address of the storage to fetch data.

  • max_results: uplimit of the amount of data to fetch.

    "action": "debug_storage_range_at",
    "hash": "9E11690B3B1CB015646ECC549A746B25E08D791E32D38363A905F2A3315C2CC1",
    "account": "0x1144B522F45265C2DFDBAEE8E324719E63A1694C",
    "begin": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "max_results": 100

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • next_key:the key of the first record in the storage beyond max_results records.

  • storage:contract data in the storage.

// Success
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "next_key": "0x00c26d91c2b89c096a024093917ff4e8e78485a5199fdc264f198be4a34119fc",
    "storage": {
        "0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e563": {
            "key": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "value": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064"
// Failed
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Invalid hash"


List the all approval messages that have been processed in the specified epoch.

request fields

  • action: epoch_approves.

  • epoch: the epoch number.

    "action": "epoch_approves",
    "epoch": "10"

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • epoch_approves:the array of epoch approval messages.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "epoch_approves": [
            "from": "0x1144B522F45265C2DFDBAEE8E324719E63A1694C",
            "proof": "0x02f8c313671e0ffc4f8cf4762b13fc907676ab07a44a130a9941ebed9cd29848fa36c4b10bb969ae96e61353ba7b9f65f640680622b242c52f6a4d1b4e77ba0362fa997312fb208bd8c6238e4f2d20ca46"},
            "from": "0x088415bbf9b7dfe93f2231fa5dd527a04c874845",
            "proof": "0x0257443f010c88d9ca125ea4f83ce9c0ef8c0333be696d3f3aea7082aeb850f0a7a328e02d9212311f609add6a8457d49c160126c829130030a54a06680b4c728a12effaeb4d38ca598691f70e22e5196d"
            "from": "0xdab8a5fb82eb24ad321751bb2dd8e4cc9a4e45e5",
            "proof": "0x0309ae11225267b0ae885af76741354a632d702e1190edbffaa294efed867fe206294edd18561c71eac5f3e0d0b672668da1e258aee14b077a3f8790b21cd6a251cc988aa43b37bf2bd89108ad720470f0"


List the approve receipts for all approval messages that have been processed in the specified epoch.

request fields

  • action: epoch_approve_receipts.

  • epoch: the epoch number.

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • epoch_approve_receipts:the array of epoch approve receipts.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "epoch_approve_receipts": [
            "from": "0x4158f69f4499f9c5b7d5744ca2020741fd9fc0bc",
            "output": "0xa94b9a900d598643b2250583b8ae0ef71d624e38ade9d7ac7dbf589b20114759"
            "from": "0x088415bbf9b7dfe93f2231fa5dd527a04c874845",
            "output": "0xb69bb84313784bb4951a0839c5442d5562728c34fc8a126dbe02b1123a6f8003"
            "from": "0xdab8a5fb82eb24ad321751bb2dd8e4cc9a4e45e5",
            "output": "0x7a5016548e2dad528d744a57765d8fcdda28b34cf348313aca58b17f70419a2e"
            "from": "0x820a7d4e3d816eabb6e2a5bfe6e5eac60c39c406",
            "output": "0x7e4271a414c970fa2a3f41874583edd01d81bffe5102a46299f9a71b250ab815"


Get the election result corresponding to the epoch.

request fields

  • action: epoch_elected_approve_receipts.

  • epoch: the epoch number.

return fields

  • code: error code. The code 0 is success.

  • msg: error message.

  • epoch_elected_approve_receipts:the election result.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "epoch_elected_approve_receipts": [
            "from": "0x49a1b41e8ccb704f5c069ef89b08cd33f764e9b3",
            "proof": "0x031051a4f3ce3d4dcaaa4a695287a8989e404606dffcb65c504f08dae3718728dcccd6f22603264dc45ba0615718f9e468bb06d26fc8a8463246372775bc036b5644407a3889aa777b658d7bd0d55db4a3",
            "output": "0xc6127cf7d5f46d376f898bdaf03fdb6bc5a32aa90ca7e4478b521b884e318a94"
            "from": "0x1144b522f45265c2dfdbaee8e324719e63a1694c",
            "proof": "0x03c4b7c765f139b479e96218c78786715d9050b3bd2c72fccd719328d2f3204dd75ffac4aa79db497228b19fb53a84cb3747c23827d37b74705eaec7885bbce4d6be3fdebecbb924f3c751592202da9e03",
            "output": "0xd11643d131055b1e80d29ebca43c343ed9ec5b1cee7f5d197dbb1b31357c1c0b"
            "from": "0x8b5c7ce9fbaed1bebb3043416684bc6913962670",
            "proof": "0x0345199fffc8d0ac629863886228b49e432e304e3667435fe1af06daf47d8a6d877f3ef2842bece07e1084b83d436d33fff35fea72064a8c29c351a7d929ac6ed701c850658015f8fdc4a6a299ba2c2354",
            "output": "0xd64546ca244a257e20e5abc7c505f38732d78f7adaa05781064c8df55de17ed4"

Last updated